Tag Archives: The 6th Man

Review: The Sixth Man by David Baldacci

David Baldacci presents his book The Camel Clu...

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The Sixth Man
The Sixth Man by David Baldacci
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Sixth Man by David Baldacci


I like the books of David Baldacci he is a superb story-weaver and one of the most naturally gifted writers in the action thriller, crime genres.

I initially read one of his books when in hospital in 1996 it also just happened to be his first one “Absolute Power” and I thought it was outstanding and I wasn’t the only one because the following year it was, Absolute Power (1997), starring Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman, since then I have endeavoured to read everything he has and will write, although it appears that I might have missed some.

Anyhow to this particular story “The Sixth Man”; after alleged serial killer Edgar Roy is apprehended and locked away in a mental facility private investigators Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are called in by Roy’s lawyer–an old friend of Sean King–to look into the case. But their investigation is derailed before it begins: while en route to their first meeting with the lawyer, King and Maxwell discover his dead body. It is up to King and Maxwell to uncover the truth: is Roy a killer or not?

This narrative has plenty of action its potential lawbreakers are exposed near the beginning of the story, and a duplicitous FBI agent is tossed in for good measure, there lots of bodies and hint of a governmental plot.
Accordingly we have now got an exhilarating journey which we are led to believe will be over very soon however, as the investigation develops, more violence ensues and we are given little clues that there are going to be lots of twists and turns along the way.

I suggest that you give this book a go you will not be let down in the story that this story-weaver offers you it is a non-stop action packed thriller and worth my 4 stars

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