Review: Tempt

Tempt by Claire Farrell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars




Authors/Publishers Book Description/Synopsis

There’s a monster running around Dublin, and it’s up to Ava to catch it. The pressure’s on, and she’s becoming as cynical as Peter. But when a demon marks her friend, and a possible threat from England spells war, Ava’s left with a huge choice to make. The lives of one or many.
With a little help, Ava has the chance to win all of her battles… if the darkness doesn’t take her over first.

What Do I Think?

I enjoyed this book just as much as I liked the other 2 books in the series, the action packed plot and the revelations and twists and turns all through the story made for an exciting read, I imagine that the next instalment will be just as good if not better as Claire Farrell develops her main cast of characters more.

Ava is a forceful heroine while she isn’t perfect; she does hold a darkness inside one that desires to break free.

For those who liked the first two books, this book follows on perfectly where the second finished, Eddie uncovers a bit more about himself and we start to see a more of the other characters develop; Esther, Gabe, and of course Peter.

These stories are building into what could become a long and interesting series from a very accomplished weaver of stories.
Get the books and have an enjoyable weekend transported to world and place far away from everyday troubles and woes.

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